In the .NET Core Test Project, the class fixture xUnit

All test methods in a test class can readily share setup and takedown code thanks to xUnit’s class fixtures. By enhancing code readability and maintainability and promoting uniformity in setup and cleanup processes, this feature guarantees a consistent and efficient testing environment for the whole suite of tests.

We can encapsulate this shared initialization logic by using a fixture class instead of duplicating the same setup logic in every single test method. By doing this, we encourage standardized and structured testing methods in addition to streamlined code by establishing a sense of consistency and coherence throughout the entire test suite. This improves our code maintainability and creates a testing environment that works well together by managing common setup procedures and applying them consistently across the entire test suite.

In my previous article, you will see that I manually created the object and used it in the unit test method.

If you haven’t looked at that article, then please refer to this.

Let’s try to register that dependency in the class fixture and use those dependencies in the test class.

We will resolve that dependency on the test class constructor and use it in the unit test method.

Creating a Class Fixture

Use Fixture in the Test Class

Let’s run the test class and check if the fixture class works as we define it or not.

See the screenshot below as we execute our newly created fixture class and register dependencies on the ServiceProvider property.

In the test class constructor, we are able to see those dependencies and resolve them for use in the test class method.

I can see that our test method will be executed successfully.

You can see the screenshot below for every unit test case that has been executed successfully.


Utilizing Class Fixtures to their fullest, we’ve found a happy medium between maintaining stability and completing tasks quickly. This has made it possible for our.NET projects to have more robust and flexible unit tests.

We learned the new technique and evolved together.

Happy coding!

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