Utilize User Preferences to Filter and Retrieve Property Listings

Property filtering is managed by the AngularJS controller according to user preferences. The bit of code uses jQuery to manipulate the DOM, initializes arrays to hold checkbox selections, and makes HTTP queries to retrieve property listings. Best practices for security and validation, jQuery integration, and AngularJS practices are important factors to take into account. This overview highlights the use of AngularJS for data binding, HTTP connectivity, and application security while offering insights into utilizing it for dynamic online applications.


  • Initialization and Setup: The controller initializes several arrays (pgpreferredfor, occupancyfor, localityfor, etc.) to store selected values from different groups of checkboxes corresponding to property preferences.
  • Checkbox Processing: Using jQuery for DOM manipulation, the code iterates through groups of checkboxes (chkPg, chkOccupancy, etc.). It checks which checkboxes are selected and stores their values in respective arrays (pgpreferredfor, occupancyfor, etc.). These selected values are also concatenated into $scope variables ($scope.gtval, $scope.ocupancyval, etc.).
  • HTTP Request ($http): After processing the selected checkboxes, an HTTP POST request is made to “Master/PropertyList”. This request sends JSON data containing the selected filter values ($scope.pgfilter, $scope.ocupancyvalfilter, etc.) to the server. It expects property listings in JSON format (response.data._FilterPropertyList) as a successful response.
  • Data Binding and Updates: On a successful response from the server, the fetched property listings (response.data._FilterPropertyList) are assigned to $scope.pgPreferred. This variable likely updates the UI to display the filtered property listings.


This AngularJS controller example illustrates the integration of data binding, HTTP communication, and jQuery for DOM manipulation to facilitate dynamic filtering of property listings based on user preferences. As web development continues to evolve, transitioning to newer frameworks and adopting best practices ensures scalable, secure, and maintainable applications.

ASP.NET 8.0.4 Hosting Recommendation

ASP.NET is a powerful platform for creating web applications and services. You must be comfortable with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and C# before developing a web application in ASP.NET. On the market, there are thousands of web hosting companies providing ASP.NET Hosting. But, only very few web hosting companies could provide high quality ASP.NET hosting solution.

ASP.NET is the best development language in Windows platform, which is released by Microsoft and widely used to build all types of dynamic Web sites and XML Web services. With this article, we’re going to help you to find the best ASP.NET Hosting solution in Europe based on reliability, features, price, performance and technical support. After we reviewed about 30+ ASP.NET hosting providers in Europe, our Best ASP.NET Hosting Award in Europe goes to HostForLIFE.eu, one of the fastest growing private companies and one of the most reliable hosting providers in Europe.

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