.NET Core Optimizing Performance with Dapper with .NET Core API

Dapper is a quick and effective micro ORM that links databases with.NET applications. Dapper is a quick and easy tool to link databases and.NET applications. It works great out of the box and is simple to use. However, by adhering to a few best practices, you can accelerate it even further. We’ll provide you with advice and examples in this post to help you get the most out of Dapper.

1. Making use of stored operations and output parameters
Employing similar processes with stored
Through the use of database server capabilities and fewer database round trips, stored procedures can reduce the amount of time required to execute sophisticated SQL logic and improve performance.

Executing a Stored Procedure with Dapper.

Database connection

The function creates a new OracleConnection using the provided connectionString.

The using statement ensures the connection is properly disposed of when the function completes.


The function creates an OracleDynamicParameters object and adds a parameter named p_UserId of type OracleDbType.Int32 with the id value passed to the function.

Executing the procedure

The function uses Dapper’s Query method to execute the stored procedure named SP_Get_User_Detail.

2. Handling multiple result sets with stored procedures

Stored Procedure with multiple results return.

Executing a Stored Procedure with Dapper.

3. Efficient query writing in delete functionalities


Executing a Stored Procedure with Dapper Functionality.

  • public async Task<bool> DeleteUserById(int id) { … } : Asynchronously deletes a user from the database by ID
  • string sql = “SP_DeleteUser”: Defines the name of the stored procedure to execute.
  • using (var connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString)) { … }: Creates an OracleConnection and adds an input parameter (p_UserId).
  • await connection.ExecuteAsync(sql, param: parameters, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure): Executes the stored procedure asynchronously.
  • try { … } catch (Exception ex) { … }: Returns true if the deletion is successful; otherwise, returns false if an exception occurs


You may greatly improve the data access layer’s performance by using Dapper with.NET Core. You may improve the efficiency and maintainability of your applications by managing numerous result sets, utilizing stored procedures with output parameters, and creating effective queries for delete functions. You can get the most out of Dapper by adhering to these best practices.

Together, we developed and mastered the new method.

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