The YAGNI (You Ain’t Gonna Need It) approach proves to be a guiding principle in the fast-paced realm of software development, where priorities and requirements are subject to change. YAGNI advises developers to hold off on adding features or functionalities until they are certain to be required for the project at hand or for this …
Tag: ASP.NET Hosting
ASP.NET Tutorial: Multi-Tenancy in.NET Core with Independent Databases
A software architecture known as multi-tenancy is one in which a single instance of the program operates on a server and caters to several tenants. When a customer uses a SAAS-based platform to manage their business operations, they are referred to as tenants. Tenants are segregated from one another with respect to their data, user …
ASP.NET Tutorial: Middleware for Concurrency Limiters
Concurrency limiters: What are they for? Programming ideas known as concurrency limiters help control how many users can access a resource at once. It puts in place a rate limiter to restrict the amount of requests that may be processed at once. It protects applications and APIs from misuse and malevolent assaults. Concurrency limiters play …
.NET 8: The Performance, JSON, and Innovation Advantage
Introduction The arrival of.NET 8, the most recent major version of the.NET framework, has sparked a great deal of enthusiasm and anticipation among developers. NET’s reputation as a versatile and powerful development platform is strengthened by this upgrade, which contains various new features and advancements. In this post, we will look at some of the …
ASP.NET Tutorial: Collection expressions in C# 12.0
Collection expressions are a brand-new feature in C# 12.0. Many of us are familiar with generic collections and have knowledge about collections. We know that there are several varieties of collections, such as arrays, lists, and so on. Until C# 11.0, distinct collections utilized different initialization syntaxes. Let us go over the old syntaxes that …
How to Secure a.Net Core App Using Identity Core?
The first thing that comes to mind when building an API is how to secure it. When you think of security, two words immediately spring to mind: authentication and authorization. Authentication is the process of determining whether or not a user is a valid member of the system. Authorization signifies that the member has the …
RestSharp vs Refit Library
Developers have various alternatives when it comes to using RESTful APIs in C# and ASP.NET Core apps. RestSharp and Refit are two prominent libraries that make it easier to make API requests. Both libraries strive to give a more simple and natural method to interface with APIs, but their techniques and functionality differ. In this …
Validation in .NET Core using FluentValidation
Data validation is an important part of guaranteeing data integrity and preventing errors in any application. With the help of FluentValidation, handling data validation in.NET Core apps has become more intuitive and expressive. FluentValidation is a popular package that allows you to build and apply validation rules in a simple and fluent manner. In this …
ASP.NET Core Unit Testing in Action with xUnit, MOQ, and FluentAssertions
Unit testing is an important part of modern software development since it ensures that individual components of your codebase work properly in isolation. There are various tools and frameworks available in ASP.NET Core to help with the unit testing process. In this article, we’ll look at unit testing with three popular tools: xUnit, MOQ, and …
ASP.NET Tutorial: How to Calculate the Number of 1’s in Binary Representation?
Counting the number of 1’s in the binary representation of integers is a common problem in computer science. In this article, we will explore an efficient solution to this problem using C#. The solution employs bitwise operations to count the 1’s for each index from 0 to n, where n is the given integer. Code …